Agronomics 🌿🥩 ANIC - Stock Discussion

ANIC net asset value worth 16.98p per share which is up around 50p on valuation earlier this year. Current share price at around 8p. Recent articles on Florida will not have helped and continuuing inflation/interest rates mean that discount will persist. Institutions are going to be interested in revenue and ANIC wont see any significant income until second half of 2025 at earliest. However, the 10 year cash runway is in the land of the microcap an attractive draw once rates drop and Liberation Labs is operational.


I made my first investment here last week.


Welcome to the club. You are early!

Early gives more time to build up whilst price is low

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ANIC capital markets day features Onego Bio, who are making egg proteins. A thorough overview of the company. Investors may be particulary interested in timeline which starts at 28 minutes. 2024-2030. This year they are working with contract manufacturers, essentially advertising their product. Great feedback thusfar. Next year b2b. In 2027 Onego plan to build a mega factory in US midwest.

A nice article breaking down Meatly news and setting it in broader context of the need for an alternative approach to making protein and more. There is a growing inability to produce enough meat to meet the global demand (US and Europe in particular). As we saw with Liberation Labs and Solar Foods equity is starting to flow back in to cellular agriculture as once upon a time uni spin outs are setting to go commercial next year.

No doubt Florida/Italy will continue to be background noise but as companies go commercial it will take a devotional mindset to ignore the positive impact of cellular agriculture. And if you want to invest in the industry across the board, there is only one ticker on the planet.

Anic-ould make it cheaper - The Oak Bloke’s Substack

Podcast with CEO of Shiok meats. Former ANIC investee whom were bought out by Umami, current ANIC investee

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In contrast to press coverage of voter hungry bible belt senators, the US open to cellular agriculture

Non ANIC, GOOD meat arrives in the supermarket in Singapore

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ANICs Every partners with Unilever owned company The Vegeterian Butcher

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FT article on lab grown meat. Behind the paywal. Essentially the argument follows that whilst the US southern states navel gaze into the bible on banning lab meat asia see the free market economic value of getting in early on opportunities. It is odd that the US seem to be getting rather scrofulous over what is effectively the opportunity to own new technology.

US lab-grown meat bans criticised as culture war ‘own goal’ - US lab-grown meat bans criticised as culture war ‘own goal’ via @FT

Not yet a signed deal but the FSA looking to bring approval process for lab meat in line with Singapore. If this happens, it gives the UK an advantage over the squablling EU and US states on new food tech.

It’s looking like a unilateral no to lab meat from the confederate states. With farming subsidies hitting a hostoric high of $30bn in 2023, completely understandable that the big companies operating below the Mason-Dixon will want to protect govt. money. For now it is an easy win given the absence of a challenge to revenue. Give it five years when cellular agriculture starts building more factories (Liberation Labs most likely), the traditional pull of the almighty dollar will be to heavy. Let’s hope that by the the UK has got a wriggle on with transforming approval process and we might finally have a tech advantage.

Bit of a macro dip today, likely fuelled by the cpi miscalculation which means it looks like no move on interest rates next month.

Reasons to be cheerful come in the form of Meatly’s Owen Ensor will be offering a candid talk on series A funding and regulatory approval (expected in eight weeks) tomorrow, with virtual sign up.

60% of Americans fine with lab meat. A point that is perhaps moot in Dixie land

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An artivle looking at growth of approvals and prohibitions in lab meat since 2020.

South China Post article on Solar Foods (ANIC investee) new factory and protein Solein

Precision fermentation expected to grow from a nearly $3bn market to $37bn by 2030.

Having carried through prohibition on white noise, and the dust having settled, journalists are starting to look at more carefully at the lab meat industry and the prohibition. And celle surprise! It turns out that de Santis created a law out of a conspiracy theory. Bad luck for America, yet it may actually end up good for UK business; given the FSA are looking at changing the approval process for cellular agriculture.

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