Alphabet - GOOG - Share Chat

Big fan as an investment.

Of the big 4, I see Google having more room to grow and more irons in the fire (of the future of technology).

Amazon is next, Microsoft and Apple less so, as things stand.

Thats how this novice sees it anyways :rofl:

Not advice, DYOR.

Seems very bullish at the moment.

I had about 50% of my modest holdings in Google. I have sold about a third of it today for other ventures to reduce my risk and lock in some profits. Made about 20% gain in 2 months.

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Consensus seems be building that Google has woken up and is actively deploying that huge cash stack on compute.

Dylan has been making comments about the number of TPUv5s being made for a while and emphasised it with this piece today (which unfortunately is mostly paywalled)

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Anthropic just announced Claude 3:

It does feel a bit weird that 2 of the top 3 models (arguably #1, #2) were both trained on TPUs yet Google is worth less than Nvidia, especially when presumably OAI will ditch the GPUs and join the ASIC club in 2025 if their Microsoft partnership holds.


If you’re wondering why Google’s stock price is going up right now, here’s the reason: Apple is in talks to integrate Gemini into their phones.