Apple Watch Feature
In my spare time, I’m designing Freetrade on Apple Watch. I’m in no way affiliated with the folks at Freetrade, I believe we share the same country and fondness on bold colour choices and that’s a bit it.
What would you guys like to see while out and about and on the go via your watch.
This is going to be unhelpful sorry, but I’d only want
total current portfolio value
total growth
And no detail at all. No green and red ticks that twitch up and down and show me real time changes in price etc. No prices, no trading, no freetrade account management.
But I’m not a trader (and don’t have an Apple Watch) so
Thank you for helping out. Saying what you wouldnt like to see is just as important as saying what you would like to see. I have a lot of learning to do
I think the design tension the Watch app would need to somehow resolve (and indeed Freetrade itself) is that its customers are very roughly split into frequent traders and gradual accumulators, who may have very different needs. It feels like there are many of the former in this forum, but I don’t know how many in the wider Freetrade userbase. (I’m one of the latter).
One way to resolve it would be to ignore one of these groups and just do what the other one needs Or maybe just design what would be useful to you.
This one’s pretty clear cut, we’re designing our app for long term investors. But if the same functionality works for people who’re investing more regularly then that’s a bonus
Internal data would help in a real development but im just doing this for fun / support. I think i’d stick with the original design goal of long term investment. If the design folks at FT pick up anything that would be awesome.
Oh I agree @Freetrade_Team1 though I wonder if long term vs short term may be orthogonal to frequent vs gradual.
I have been persuaded by the SPIVA (et al) data so I’m (well, 95%) a gradually-accumulating, low-cost-seeking, 70:30 style index-tracking investor (I don’t look at prices, I don’t do research.) Someone that looks for good times to get in/out of a stock and plans to do it until retirement might also describe themselves as a long term investor. Our needs might be very different and we might design Freetrade differently to each other, but maybe both of us would call ourselves long term investors.
From a design perspective as well as the platform (watch) the use cases would be akin to immediate information as opposed to long form. So while you wouldn’t want to look at full form charts on Apple Watch you may want to know if a Withdrawable / Unsettled or Reserved Cash metric has changed. Sudden change based off of % in some of your portfolio. Depending on API usage over at FT you could receive News or specifically Apple News alerts pertaining to whats in your portfolio
Was going to post a request for this and stumbled across an old thread. Although I’m not a fan of people designing for free as it devalues our industry.
Is there any progress from Freetrade about this? A Freetrade Apple Watch complication would be great, if a stand alone app is too much dev work / vs need.