Astrology and investing

An app that allows people to invest based on their astrological sign.

What sort of rubbish are we going to see next

Check the Forbes article on it. And please don’t bother to check the app


My horoscope did say I would come across a great investing opportunity…

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:joy::joy::joy: When I first read it I thought it was an app that offered stocks on it. Psychedelic Biotech ETF’s, yoga mat makers and a shit ton of the the weed stocks

Coming next

Voodoo Investing App

Wait and you’ll see

They also published a whitepaper.

Their other projects are very varied. Take a look at netflixhangouts or

man eating food.

Gamechanger :joy::joy::joy:

Surprised it isn’t spelled Byll+Mün. And backed by Y Comb.