Clean Power Hydrogen Plc - CPH2

Good Morning Please could you consider adding

Clean Power Hydrogen - Ticker: CPH2

They’ve created a Membrane-Free Electrolyser to produce hydrogen faster, more reliably, and more cost-effectively than other electrolysers.

Recently signed a contract to provide £ATOME with some off these MFE’s.

Please consider adding ASAP.

Apologies I couldn’t add more as I’m currently working and posting from my phone.

RNS regarding the order from Atome.

If anyone has 5 minutes spare and is bullish on clean energy I’d suggest you give there website a brief read.

These guys can produce 902KG of 99.99% totally clean Hydrogen daily with their MFE’s.


Yes please!

Very interesting info on this company, thanks for sharing

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No worries! I’m glad you found it interesting.

With 13 votes in a couple of days hopefully this will be added sooner rather than later.

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Do you have any independent non PR info about this company? Every thing I have seen that is not labelled cph2 derives from the companies own press releases. It failed to achieve its £50 million IPO aim. So I am puzzled. What is the commercial issue?

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All information I’ve read so far is from numerous websites reposting info from their RNS. I use SimplyWallST for their financials, director deals, ownership figures and so on.

It would seem like this is really flying under the radar at the moment, I would love to see them do an interview with ProInvestors to get some eyes on this similar to AFC Energy, and ITM Power.

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The reason I am asking is that a Google search for me does not reveal any significant information on this company that is not derived from cph2 PR.

The RNS that you refer to and the deal with Atome about the future delivery of a electrolyzer is of course good. But how significant is it really in the Hydrogen space? Dunno.

For the technology itself one would not rely on company PR either. I found a couple of technical papers. But I am not a trained Industrial Chemist to make comments about those.


Thank you for your comments, it seems like only time will tell with this one. :slightly_smiling_face:

Been a Yorkshire man myself, and these based in Doncaster I would like them to succeed, because this is gods own county after all.

Hopefully they’ll be included in any of the major UK Hydrogen speaking events in the future and I’ll be able to attend in person.


Doncaster is great. You are a Yorkshire man? I am not worthy.

I too hope that the company does well. It will be good for the local economy. If you are ready to invest it is available with a number of other brokers at the mo. You can transfer to FT, if you so desire, when it becomes available here.

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One for Monday please FT. :wink:

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CPH2 - Clean Power Hydrogen have signed a recent contract. Can they be added please

Hi everyone :wave: Clean Power Hydrogen Plc has now been added to the app.


Up we go

Assume its becaue if the breaking even news. Anything else ive missed

Huge sell print just cleared. 2m shares then book tightens right up. Possibly finding the floor here - ridiculous low

Wow. Very aggressive option vesting targets

  1. If the average share price during the Relevant Period is below 60p, no Threshold Options will vest.

  2. If the average share price during the Relevant Period is equal to 60p, 25% of the Threshold Options will vest.

  3. If the average share price during the Relevant Period is between 60p and 80p, the number of Threshold Options which vest will be pro-rata between 25% and 100% of the total Threshold Options; and

  4. If the average share price is 80p or more during the Relevant Period, 100% of the Threshold Options will vest.

The first options need 60p to vest! 9p just now

I can’t believe people aren’t getting the hints.

All the directors bought a week or so back in 8p’s

They then release operations update informing of the factory acceptance test - a huge validation milestone.

Then they set option vesting up near IPO price, and higher… the clues are there.

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Hopefully more catch on !

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