Coca-Cola 🥤- KO

imagine randomly accusing somebody of stealing money :roll_eyes:

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Lol potentially hundreds of thousands sitting for up to 2 weeks in a non interest bearing account, and in the hands of a savvy finance organisation. You sure?

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Hey @TStarr the comment above you’d see it was from Alex Campbell the head of comms for Freetrade. The same Freetrade who are FCA regulated. So before you make accusations it’s worth doing your research otherwise you’re likely to look a little daft.


Jeee, this is so toxic.
I’ll open the window and drink another coffee :coffee: :slightly_smiling_face:

Yawn, so you want to call them incompetent, so thats all right then. If 212 and others can distribute quickly, why not Freetrade? Just like if others could handle Nat Grid rights issue why not Freetrade. Oh but they are FCA regulated, so everything is rosy.


I’m not interested in an argument or in getting ‘in my feelings’ I just wanted to correct your incorrect assertion regarding :freetrade: hoarding your dividends to earn intrest on them.


“A decade-long dispute between Coca-Cola and the US tax authorities has escalated to the point that the company could owe $16bn in back taxes, enough to wipe out a year and a half of profits, with the figure rising by more than $1bn a year.”

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Sips a can of coke while reading this knowing I’m helping pay back that tax :slight_smile:

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You made the share price rise! :open_mouth:

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