Did not withdraw my money

I tried to withdraw some money from my freetrade account but after typing the amount i wanted to withdraw and confirming it, instead of the money being transferred from my freetrade account to my bank account i lost the money. The money was not topped up to my freetrade account either. According to my transactions i gave freetrade Ltd the money without getting anything in return.

Did you add your unique reference in on the transaction correctly?

From what I remember there was no option to type it in and it never told me what my reference number was. Only now when i click withdraw it tells me the reference number.

You will need to contact the in app support and ask for the payment to be manually allocated to your Freetrade account (without the reference number it just sits in Freetrade’s general account).

Please reach out to hello@freetrade.io and our team will be able to locate the money. :pray:t2:

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Are you aware withdrawals can take several days to reach your account?