Diversified Energy Company Plc - DEC - Share chat

Probably need to double down like me I reckon


Eek it’s already my biggest holding and biggest loss by far.
I hope this comes good eventually

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Not long now till div payment day. Loving the quarterly dividends.

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That quarterly div isn’t touching my red line, it’s getting worse as divs go on :confused:
Thought they was doing well but share price is telling a different story .

Hey all. Were we meant to receive a dividend on the 27th? Anyone received theirs yet?

They’re always late paying freetrade like to think today we will get it .

Getting close to break even for me, excluding the dividend.
Supposedly shorters getting out.
7.5% gain yesterday.

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From todays times article more balanced than headline

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Update from the as always exuberant oak bloke


Another 5% gain.
Momentum helped by the shorters falling away.
Presently 9 shorters. 7 have reduced there shorts, 2 have raised them. 7.9% shorts in total.
Nicely in profit, excluding the dividends.
I suspect a fair bit to go.

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Still moving in the right direction but slowing down.
Suspect we may be due some profit taking.
I won’t be one.


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Profit taking at last!
Minor so far.
28th November is exdivided day, shorters who owns the shares have to pay the dividend.
So, either it cuts into their profits or makes there losses greater.

Medium to long term LNG up and significant increase in electric for data centres. Could equal higher gas prices.

Short to medium term (guessing timespan) “drill baby drill” increased supply forcing down gas prices.

So roughly 12 months from now we might start to see the effects of Trump’s “drill baby drill”

Who knows…not me!

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Diversied hold a sizeable untapped land bank which will increase in value if people see the potential to drill wells on it.

That changes nothing. The lower the gas price the less the mineral rights are worth.
“Drill baby drill” aim is to produce more gas, unless demand rises with supply there can only be one outcome, gas prices⬇️

It does but if trump ends bidens moratorium on gas exports diversified will benefit, gas prices in europe are what 3 or 4 times US prices

Yes i am sure they are 3 to 4 times higher. Turn gas into liquid, place it on a ship send it to Europe de liquefy it. That adds to costs/price.
Increasing the supply to Europe may have an effect on the price it fetches?
Again supply and demand dictate prices.

Another rise today. If you are a shorter time to get out…a couple of months ago!

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Looks like the growth is slowing down now. Oh well I’m happy at these levels with the dividends. I have to ask the share price is up over 2 pounds in a month has the company fundamentals improved at all?

Gas prices up. 6% Friday. 30% over 6 months

Trump says he will remove the Bidens moratorium on exports of LNG

" Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces Temporary Pause on Pending Approvals of Liquefied Natural Gas Exports"

Come on DEC let’s see a stable 13 sp.