Ether Capital - ETHC

$ETHC is a fantastic way to gain exposure to the Ethereum/decentralised finance ecosystem which is currently being built by some of the greatest minds in crypto. This could be seen as a quick-fix as we wait for cryptocurrencies to be directly supported.

Their portfolio consists of holdings in crypto assets ETH and MKR (two of my largest personal holdings) plus an equity stake in crypto exchange Wyre.

From the website:

Ether Capital is pursuing a long term business model built on three pillars:

  • Asset management through our holdings of Ether and tokens or equity of other projects,
  • Technology development aimed at decentralized application adoption,
  • Ancillary blockchain services that generate income from passive assets.

Key areas of focus that we believe will capture value as Web 3 matures over the next few years are:

  • A decentralized stable unit-of-account,
  • Efficient fiat-to-crypto onramps and
  • Improvements in blockchain scaling.

In-depth reading on MakerDAO if it’s of interest to anyone:

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