Flood the forum

Guess what there are hundreds of stocks Iā€™m not interested in, so I spend about 10 seconds every morning to find the ones I am interested in.

People are spending more time complaining than they would just scrolling down to the threads that interest them.

Itā€™s madness.

The world has gone loopy.


One thing I do HATE though is the tracking, watching, normal and mute system :man_facepalming: :joy: I donā€™t want to be tracking something unless I set it at tracking. Just because I commented on a post doesnā€™t mean I need it to be tracked.

If this didnā€™t happen then I would love the system but if you comment on a lot the system is pointless as you are tracking everything. I would prefer to set what I want to track and not have to change the status every-time I make a comment.

Not a big issue but it does make the whole system void to me personally.

Go to your settings and notifications and change your default tracking settings there


You absolute LEGEND!!! I never knew those setting were hidden away there. You have made my morning a lot better, THANK YOU :+1:


The ā€œautomatically track after 4 minutesā€ explains why I have so much junk being trackedā€¦ As I open a load of things at once in tabs and then read them that way.


Yep I read most threads if I have time to see the market chat but that doesnā€™t mean I want to follow it so well happy you can turn this function off. Now if I miss a day or 2 I only have the actual watch list on the short cut. GREAT!

Tracking individual threads does seem to be overriding category muting. Thanks for the tip.

And the app encourages us to post requesting new stocks. We do, and then get warnings. See:

Iā€™m confused isnā€™t that the search option for existing stocks on the app?

Tells is to Vote Here to have your say for what is added next. If the stock isnā€™t there then we have a pinned message on the forums saying

" Everyone can request the stocks & ETFs that theyā€™d like Freetrade to add to our Stock Universe (so that you can invest in them), by creating a new topic for their stock in this category. Other users can vote for these requests to help us prioritise what to add."

Sorry I canā€™t find the bit you mean :+1: that looks like the search function to me and the message encourages people to start a thread on the ā€œstock requestā€ tab for votes to happen. Maybe I am missing something but thatā€™s what I see.

Yes, this is what I meant. The pinned thread encourages clients to start a thread requesting a stock

Yes so you press the vote here button and see if the stock is there to vote on and if it isnā€™t then you press add ā€œ+ New Topicā€ and create your new stock request. :+1:

Yeah, weā€™re encouraged to ask for stocks that we think should be included in FT but arenā€™t.

This thread isnā€™t about that issue, itā€™s that FT have added hundreds of new, empty threads for all the new stocks they added, when previously these would be created organically by people when they actually wanted to discuss a stock. There were so many, it was suddenly much harder to find the normal threads where people were already having conversations.

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I donā€™t think this is a new thing. Iā€™ve seen it happen every time FT add a bunch of new stocks. Just sort the threads by replies and youā€™ll see there are 1000+ with none at all

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Yes bu7t for the app to work it needs a link to a forum discussion on every stock. It is annoying when it happens once a week as all discussions get lost down the list but people can just press ā€œdismiss allā€ and then the popular topics go back to the top as people post.

I donā€™t actually see how Ft can avoid it to be honest.

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Maybe a feature Iā€™m not using but what about the forum thread does the app need to function?

TBH I am not sure. All I know is the app has a function to search for stocks and if you want to see what the FT community think of a stock before buying it has a handy link. For this to work once a week we have to just deal with a minor issue, however annoying it is :joy:, and just dismiss the new threads. :+1:

Just feels like it could be done much better. Some donā€™t even have a link (Ā£LQGH) and Iā€™d not even noticed there were links after using the app since November.

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