Freetrade dividend payments late always

Recieved today. Thanks

I meant the customer service chay

Saying 5 days late is a bit misleading when two of those were weekends.

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Which ever way you look at it, you seem to wait a lot longer with Freetrade than any other broker.

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But they are 5 working days late


Access to cash after selling shares is poor too. A few days to settle then a few days to land in your bank account. Means you can be waiting almost a week to get your money.

Out of sync with peers.

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For sure im not 6 days late. All these payments throughout the year being delayed adds up.


Dividends from the 15th still not paid. It’ll be the 27th at a minimum now. Come on freetrade, completely unacceptable. What is the delay? Or is it intentional? A day or two is fine, but two weeks is not, regardless of holidays.


Do they gain intrest

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Welcome to the community. Freetrade staff have confirmed they don’t multiple times.




It has been 5 days sometimes! But it’s been good recently on some

VWRL and BP paid same day, can’t complain at my end.


Maybe it’s more American stocks :thinking:

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Got them two on same day. But i own over 35 seperate divi stocks and about 25 out of them are always late

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Yes, not everyone invest only in uk stocks or etf and this problem, if you have an adr like Petrobras (a Brazilian company), is even worse unlikely.

I got VFEM next day, but B&M was 11 days after payment date.

Yes i have u.s stocks. Its a slower turnaround

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Do you understand what an ADR is in reality? If so you should not be surprised by a slow dividend.