User #93. I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible while still being thorough, understand the team will have a lot of feedback to sift through. My first thoughts echo a lot of the other early testers, the app’s UI is very intuitive, and has a lot of potential. Very impressed overall on first glance. For feedback, here’s my 2 cents:
Portfolio Tab:
- The user details in the top right, would probably be better placed on the ‘account’ tab.
- The portfolio % +/- is a good change from the 1st version, would be good to allow users to view on a monthly and daily time frame also, which you already have in the investments part just below it.
- When clicking into the investments part of this, there appears to be no daily time frame data loading. Also, the individual gain/loss could be clearer in terms of including commissions/showing them clearly.
Discover Tab:
- Already mentioned, but the ability to have watchlists/favourites would be helpful.
- Also drop-down menu’s which designate the categories. GBP stocks, GBP ETF’s, US stocks, $ ETF’s for example.
Activity Tab:
Nothing to add so far.
account Tab:
Am aware this was already voted on, so I may be in the minority. But would be good to see value of open positions as well as the various cash values, and a grand total of the whole, cash and positions included. TD Ameritrades thinkorswim has this on mobile app.