Freetrade Play Store reviews ⭐

Not for me :frowning:

You should have opened up the email using your email client on the phone you had the app on and then clicked the link. When you reopen the app then it should have allowed you to proceed.

Sorry for delay in responding. Support from freetrade will be openin a couple hours.

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We didn’t quite make it to 4+ but we’re a lot closer :muscle:

Thanks a lot to everyone who’s left a review so far, we really appreciate it!


Would it not make sense to relaunch with a different app submission to the Play store? There’s no way those 1 star reviews are going to go away (I was always a little mystified by the strategy being employed, and I think the reviews kind of back that up).


I see what you mean and that would be an option. I think personally though that it would be better for the freetrade team to engage with as many of the reviews as possible to be active on the play store. I’m not sure but if freetrade provided a comment to some of the 1 stars then those people who may not have checked the app for months, could become aware its now live and be exposed to the app to allow them to change their rating in the interest of being completely transparent.


They’ve done that on App Store reviews already. Someone had a fun day replying to all the old “it’s not available yet” 1 star reviews

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Ha brilliant. Some didn’t have a response this morning.

Edit: Actually are you saying the apple app store? I think apple made it so popular I call the play store the app store too.

Yeah the Apple App Store :grin:

I imagine after that person has finally finished therapy from doing the App Store ones they’ll have to do the Play Store reviews

Thoughts and prayers

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My sympathy to whoever is going to have that task. But definitely an important one :grin:


Is there any point in flagging 1 star reviews as unhelpful?

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As for now 123 reviews and 4.1 stars!


Trustpilot if anyone wants to leave a review there

Bumping for new customers who’d like to leave their thoughts :freetrade: :star:

Can anybody screenshot the Android review stats?


235 Reviews, just over 4/5


Just left a 5 star review. Fully deserved!


Road to 400, let’s go! :footprints:


Rate or review :ballot_box:

‘In the short run, the play store is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine’ - 2019. AppStore is Freetrade’s shop front window, it helps to make it look nice.


I love that Benjamin Graham quote :muscle: Keep up the good work.

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Some teething problems took it down, tip it back over the edge :dizzy: :


Just left mine! Hopefully we get it above 4.0!