GameStop - GME - Share Chat

But a trading app giving free shares isn’t the same :slight_smile:

The info is good and it doesn’t charge you to view the video :rofl:

Reddit/Text Version

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It is exactly the same :+1: TBF to him he did post that it was click bait below when someone said it was click bait :joy: Just me personally but I hate the money that is thrown to you-tubers and influencers and would rather that money was invested in the company to improve customer service etc or give back benefits.

I know it is common now but the whole influencer world is toxic and a sad state of affairs. For every good one there are 20 who will lie to make money.


I couldn’t agree more on the influencers, the very fact that this is now an aspiring career choice kills me a bit each time I see it referenced as such :man_facepalming:

At the same time though everything is going this way and it generates a lot of income, just a matter of doing your own research on the subject matter I guess. Have a read of the DD let me know your thoughts mate

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It’s a bit long but I will read it a little bit later and let you know :+1:

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That’s why I linked the video :vulcan_salute: :rofl: Nice one, be interested to hear other thoughts outside of Reddit

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OK read it now. Not bad but the thing I don’t like is the generalising and calling it “the rich” which is BS as most rich people wouldn’t have a clue about any of it. And comments/titles like “How GameStop Can Deal A Fatal Blow To Wealth Inequality” are stupid and just aiming at getting reactions.

In reality inequality won’t change at all. Some may make a bit of $ at the HFs expense but that will not affect global inequality in any way shape or form. Next title “The Rich Are Trying To Kill GameStop. They Are Terrified” Again playing poor people against a generic RICH which is divisive and using GME to incite reactions. HFs and not “the rich” don’t want to kill anything they want to make money. :+1:

The APES are doing the exact same thing to the HFs by betting against them and good luck to them but ignoring this fact is silly. When the HFs lose X $s the vast amount of apes will disappear with their $s and GME etc will be left to die.

Other than that yes it is pretty well displayed and a lot of truth about the HFs being ruthless F$£%s but I think everyone knows that anyhow. My point is that many seem to think by screwing the HFs it is a win win but in reality it still screws the 99.9% who don’t have any involvement in daily money markets.

If APES really were morally involved they would be protesting outside the exchanges and spreading the information to the world. With social media etc it could catch fire easily and those guilty could be held to account. This would be great if done and I would struggle to find people who would not be shocked at the HFs actions. So as I say if this was all about the greedy HF there are better ways that could actually make a difference. A global boycott of people/products who short to kill business etc is very powerful and especially so if packaged as trying to kill American business.

BUT they don’t as in reality they mainly just wish they were making the money the HFs were :joy: :+1: The chaos that can come out of this will still hurt the 99% but some APES will make some $ and many APES will be left holding bags. I admit I bought both GME and AMC purely to make a decent % and I got out with enough to cover a few years fees for FT + cash so I am very happy with that.

And the signing off from the article sums this up perfectly “So, yeah, I’m going to be fucking greedy.”

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None of this is in the video mate

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Just giving you my view on the Reddit link you posted :+1:

Then it can’t be what you posted above which says Reddit/text version as that link clearly states

The rich bet against it many f

The Rich Are Trying To Kill GameStop

The rich now have to worry about the

The rich are now at risk of losing that money

All of that is copy pasted so it does say that unless your link is not what it said. :+1: The second part is clearly just my view of how this moralistic view is just BS as everyone is just greedy. All the first half of the article is just old 2008 stuff from a film but true none the less. Like I said it is a well displayed article but definitely aimed at a certain angle.

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I simply meant none of the hyperbole was in the video. Never mind.


Ah OK :+1: I see what you mean and yes he wasn’t too bad and some good stuff but the casual rich v poor references are cat nip to the people who then let down the good DD. Example being top comment on that story below it.

"I aint selling shit until they become the biggest bagholders of shit in the history of capitalism

20M is my floor? 20M is chump change"

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Gamestop Complete ATM Equity Offering


I think most of us know that the world is not black and white but to think protesting outside wallstreet is gonna solve anything made me laugh. The only way you can affect financial legislation in this context is to affect capital.

In this case, fraudulent naked shorters.


You have a very narrow view if you think protest can’t change things :joy: Just in the last year the amount that has been changed by protest is massive. And lets be honest what has been protested doesn’t affect most people. The issue here does actually affect everyone after the trickle down costs etc and if done well could be a huge movement.

And you can protest to change rules that end up costing the HFs a lot for fraud :+1: Anyhow my point is that people are doing it to make money and not really to help end short selling as they don’t follow up on any other routes to stop it. And good luck to them.

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Occupy wallstreet was a massive sucsess yeah.

Anyways FT slowwwwly getting the picture.

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Seems I nailed this :face_with_monocle: :man_student: 11 days ago


No beef is getting beefed

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Certainly not, getting pumped though for the rest of this week! :muscle: :mechanical_arm: