Greatland Gold - GGP - Share Chat

I think I’ll just wait for dividends now. Don’t think we’ll see 30 odd p again any time soon, but hopefully they’ll have a decision to mine and then dividends will roll in gradually. Be alright for my sipp :joy:

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The drop continues back into the 7’s guess the Telfer news may be adding to it.

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Is there any new news?

As usual. No :joy:

I thought there would be a bounce as didn’t expect it to drop quite as low

Bounce engaged usual yo yo games


The company is planning to focus on its Tier 1 portfolio, which includes 11 managed Tier 1 and emerging Tier 1 assets and three non-managed operations. It’s seeking to divest six non-core assets, including Éléonore, Musselwhite, Porcupine, CC&V, Akyem and Telfer operations, as well as two non-core projects, Havieron and Coffee.

Looks like this could drop over the next few weeks with the news newmount are looking to sell Havieron.


I’m a lth and have the shares in my sipp so I’m content to just hold. These are just blips but seems a good opportunity for ggp and backers to buy telfer and have outright. Now that ggp have tied up the rio tinto interests around telfer and wyloo are involved with ggp, ggp becomes the obvious purchaser.


Very quiet here, no updates in sometime. Anyone with any news ? Sub 6p impending.

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If you’re happy to, this is a waiting game. Can’t see very much happening for a couple of months - the sp will drift down to about 5.5p I think.

If however, GGP are able to agree a way forward with Newmont regarding Telfer and the 70% of Havieron they own, and Havieron then moves into production, I think all bets are off. At the moment, that’s quite a big if.

If it’s of any use, I’m sticking with it through this downward drift.


I agree, this is going to be a slow burn, but I think it’s still worth holding on to I may even put a bit more in to it, I read this the other day and think there is some truth in it “ *The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator."


What’s going on here? :face_with_peeking_eye::exploding_head:

“In addition,operations are temporarily suspended at Telfer, one of Newmont’s non-core assets, as further work is completed to remediate the safe operation of the tailings storage facility”

In black and white. Confirming what I’ve heard from Telfer

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One to track today for potential news, given the share price movement in early hours :rotating_light:


:+1:And yesterday - let’s hope there is some good news on the horizon, and this isn’t just another little spike like pre Christmas.


Anyone have any news, still on the up today, hmmm ? Up nearly 40% in last month!


Talk to me people? This is good yes? ((Investor newb… unashamedly naïve))

Of course it’s good. What’s the cause though and will it be sustained or even just stabilise at this level is speculation at the moment but what’s certain is someone is buying more shares than people have wanted to sell.

Last time this happened it was because of an institutional investor getting a position I believe. L and g springs to mind but I’d have to check my notes.