Help us test read-only US stocks

We’re about to add a preview of the most highly requested US stocks to the app, although you won’t be able to place orders until sometime in January.

We need a handful of volunteers from the community to make sure that everything’s working correctly, particularly the data feed for prices so we’re offering you early access to check this out.

The only thing is if we discover any issues with this data, we may switch this off while we fix the issue - hopefully we won’t need to though :crossed_fingers:

Also, you may need to ‘force quit’ the app & restart it in order to see the new stocks in Discover.

Sign up to test this here -

Edit - We have enough testers for now so I’ve removed this form, thanks to everyone who signed up to take part :raised_hands:

PS - We’re only testing with a selection of 20 stocks, not the complete list of stocks that we’re planning to add at this point. And the 1D chart doesn’t include all of today’s data - it will do tomorrow.

There’s more about our plans for US stocks here -


Nice :grin:



Looking good. The 7 day chart data for amazon looks a little wonky though compared to say the apple stocks app or even 1D or 1M charts. Not up 12% over last 7 days.


Can I test from Android? :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like year :wink: