Shares sold at 2p to raise funds
Much appreciated
Clinical trials to start soon based on last Rns has brought this to life it appears. Hopefully get me out of the red
Interim results today. Plenty of positive across the board but cash is drying up only 1.6mil left.
So another raise at some point or investor/partner may rock up if trails go well when they start.
Think I’ll keep buying the dips to average down
Institutional investor bought 600k worth of new shares at 1p in order to pay for clinical trials. Boom or bust time for this one. Trials to start imminently
Two Rns today. First positive followed by a second some hours later calling for extraordinary meeting. Looking to consolidate shares 400/1 to make more appealing for investors but also confirming once done they will dilute further to raise funds for next stages. Gone down well on other forums as you can imagine !
With a proposed share conversion to deferred shares which cannot be traded on any exchange how will Freetrade show these in my ISA. The company will not issue share cerificates so if I wish to sell them after conversion
how do I do that . Insight much appreciated.
Deferred shares become irrelevant is my understanding. More done for business accounting side of things from reading elsewhere.they have no value as such
I can kind of see the reason for it but as a complete novice at this type of thing is it a good or bad thing for us as investors.
Long term the consolidation may work as at a higher price they suggest they can attract more investors. However, they acknowledge they need to raise more, so even after the price goes to let say £4, it will then reduce due to a raise , let’s say £3. That raise may pay for next 12 months of trials etc etc am we may hit a jackpot a cancer cure. Orrr not.
Hope that helps. Still a notice myself
Think they’re maybe a glitch as I currently look to have made a lot of money overnight. Sure it will be updated soon. 163k glitch
Are you able to sell? I can’t sell mine for some reason….
Not, they need to sort consolidation out first
Some platforms trading some not, some showing old price. Issues all over it appears. Although timeframe for update would be ideal
Surely this should have been done overnight especially since the repricing has been known for a while now
Seems to be fixed now but not happy that we’ve lost all the history and we’ve got this massive spike in the charts.
Do other platforms also lose the history?
You would have hoped so. Must have been an issue somewhere.
First sight open. Search for ideal patients has begun (feel like they said this about a month ago). No news on funding though which was/is needed to progress.
Money raised to fund first patient almost offset by the news first patient selected.