How big is your world?

It seems what an ETF provider think of as world seem to differ vastly. Below is just few that I looked at which says “world” or “global”.
ETF Ticker Stocks
VWRL 3781
V3AM 5879
IWDG 1519
EGMW 1375
UC44 384

Beside the fund size, is the number of stocks within the ETF a huge deciding factor? Or is it a case of quality vs quantity?

They follow indices which are published by FTSE and MSCI. The index providers publish different indices, such as All-World, World ESG, etc. where the stocks listed in the index are defined by a set of criteria. With “Full replication” ETFs, the number of stocks is usually defined by replicating the index they follow. VWRL is an example of a fully replicating ETF.

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Fair point that ETFs follow the underlying index. Still the point is an index with 300 stocks is considered “global” so is one with 3000.

Some of the countries in the index with large number of holdings are under sanction, on IMF bail outs etc.

That is why I asked beside the fund size, is the number of stocks within the ETF a huge deciding factor? Or is it a case of quality vs quantity?