How to spread my balance?

Hi, Iā€™m new so sorry about this but,
I have an emergency fund made, I want to invest the rest into mostly long-term investments like the S&P.
I also want to invest a little into individual stocks.
What would be best way to do this?

I know I have a GIA and a S&S ISA and thereā€™s some benefit in terms of tax to the ISA, Iā€™m just not sure whether thereā€™s some good way to set this up like, invest into index funds with the GIA and then perform individual stock investments with the ISA, something like that?

The only reason to use a GIA if you have an ISA is if you want to invest more than the ISA maximum. Otherwise do everything in your ISA.


HI Tom,

The isa in essence is a wrapper for your investments that shields them from capital gains and dividend taxes.

You do have annual allowances that you can earn before things are taxed but if youā€™re investing over the long term, youā€™re best off putting as many things into the isa as possible rather than in the GIA which could attract tax.

Donā€™t forget tax rules can change so annual allowances as they are now, can go up or down.

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