James Fisher & Sons plc FSJ

This firm is an ocean shipping firm operating throughout the UK, also operating as a ships’ agency. James Fisher & Sons provides services in chartering, freight, shipbroking and port operations.

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Update on the share price is two hours old. Help please.

What’s happening with this company?


Finally the bottom or going to plunge to the icy depths, never to be seen again? :thinking:

The price is so out of time. Its literally hours behind. Makes it impossible to trade.

Hi @Zoe :ocean: Prices displayed in the app are delayed by around 15mins. This is a small cap company so even the price on yahoo finance isn’t what you get.

This piece from @DavidK on liquidity could be of use What is liquidity and how does it affect the stock market? | Freetrade

That’s the point, it’s not updating every 15 minutes. It’s not even updating every 2 hours.

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