Argent Biopharma Ltd - RGT - Share Chat

I was once where you was with AVG but it’s a start and if you can wait few years they AVG could be potentially very low :crossed_fingers:t2::+1:t2: :heart:

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I noticed that maybe it was starting this morning but it’s green now so all good for minute :roll_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Great AVG that :+1:t2: so if things happen from end of month this could be it’s new sticking point price 0.0366 so see what’s happens with London meet conference tomorrow :thinking:

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Tbh it’s the 2nd time it’s been in green in past month so all good didn’t expect green again this soon! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Positive about this one- room to run pending upcoming news

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3.5095 was closing price it 0.348. Freetrade could do with posting correct closing price


Oh hello green! The waiting and averaging down is starting to pay off :sweat_smile:


And normal service resumes, up down up down so I guess this is it’s level for the next few months was hopeful of a stead rise … but still in the green by a fair bit avg 0.269

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Every single one of my shares today started in the red and way lower than yesterday going for a downward trend.

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If you are serious about MGC you should join this forum it has so much information as it happens by loyal members

Telegram: Join Group Chat

This is great, thanks! Now I need one of these groups for all of my speculative investments!

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: yeah im with you on that ,

Bounce back :slight_smile:

Something is not right with the close price yahoo has got it at 0.0310 Freetrade has it at 0.0355 a big difference

Happens every day… Corrects its self after a few hours

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Does anyone know why this happens? Have FT said anything? Looking at a few others £DARK has a weird spike at the end of the day too and it would be a bit annoying if I was looking to sell and the price was out. DARK is out by 22p according to other sources (Yahoo).


Friday sell off but we had that yesterday too for some reason lot of red :thinking: for a Thursday

Had to get rid of telegram to many scams and people trying it on horrible app that needs checking! But would been a good forum that tbh :+1:t2:


Everything’s in a downward trend at the moment same with this stock for me.

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