Argent Biopharma Ltd - RGT - Share Chat

Would that affect anything towards the share price :thinking:

It shouldn’t directly affect the share price itself exactly I think. It just means people had said they wouldn’t sell until date x, and now that date is here. They may not sell in the end and choose to sit on their holding. It just creates a bit of turbulence if investors think there will be a mass sell-off.

Then of course if there is a sell-off, there is potentially a short, sharp drop.

As I understand it, if for example a company has 40% of its shares locked up in escrow until 2025 (possibly due to employee bonuses etc whilst they are starting up) and the price goes up 10000% before then, then it’s likely that the share owners will all sell as soon as they can and cash in on 01/01/2025. This sell-off would drop the price on its own by simple supply and demand. People might also anticipate this and sell themselves before this happens, which adds to the weirdness in the price.


Very well said and explain @JD85

Hopefully by 23/12/2024 it’ll be worth more than this and maybe we be more wealthier :rofl::rofl:


I just hope it doesnt tank like Canada did. Either that, or I manage to cash out before it does lol

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what a sack of spuds this is - down 47% since March.

Dang how did you manage that, what’s your avg?

£500 block in mid March

Ahh hopefully it picks up for you. I got lucky joined freetrade and got in at 2p then it shot up 70%


Shares wont go up much for another year when the company projects it will actually become profitable. Just hold tight as there will be just as many downs as ups until then

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I hold 20000 shares. May keeping topping up when low but not by much, the odd 20 quid

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Also FDA approval in the US will take until mid to late 2022 for CimetrA, you should double you investment if everyhting goes to plan in 12 months time.

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Great news! For competitors :sweat_smile:

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I’m up to 55500 shares keep toping up a little at a time

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Its great news for the industry :roll_eyes:

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Sure! Just not the particular part of the industry we’re heavily invested here )
Wondering what effect this development would have on Cellular Goods. A strong competitor getting all the market to themselves while they drag their feet on launching products.

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Cellular Goods is really not a competitor.
It’s products are not pharmaceutical nor are they organic. CG is playing heavily in the skincare, sports and pet care arena and their CBD and CBG products are all man made, unlike MGC who promote themselves as pharmaceutical and medicinal. Everything considered, CG are not competitors - your nearest competitors would be Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies (OCTP).


My comment about CG was with connection to Yooma news, not MGC obviously

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