Portfolio sized ISA Pricing

I think some people are certainly ā€œfansā€ of Freetrade and want to support them. Thatā€™s fair enough.
But Freetrade canā€™t cater exclusively to enthusiastic fans.

The population at large are going to just consider the numbers when deciding what platform to use. If someone asks what platform to go with on Reddit, I and others are only going to give them the facts. Or a review website or article will present the same facts. Theyā€™ll make their decision based on those. This isnā€™t personal. Emotion shouldnā€™t come in to these decisions.

As it stands, multiple significant categories of possible customers should use other platforms, or should use the Freetrade GIA.

Iā€™m with you in thinking the simplicity of the current pricing model is a strength. But since the start of this thread, Iā€™ve changed my mind on what the best strategy might be.

If the ISA was priced at 0.15% capped at Ā£3/month, then Freetrade would be the correct platform choice for most people (wanting to invest in what Freetrade offer), and it could very easily be justified over the GIA as well.

When Freetrade is ready to really scale up, it may be better for them to have lots of customers paying 0.15% of something, than a few customers paying Ā£0 plus a few customers paying Ā£3. Obviously theyā€™ll have to run their own numbers to see what is actually viable. But if the free GIA is viable, itā€™s hard to imagine a 0.15% ISA wouldnā€™t be.