What is going on today? - Megathread

QUICK Question:

Yet again I do not agree with anything I am hearing, so -

Is anybody else still of a similar thinking that the market was waaaay higher than it should have been ending 2020 and that a readjustment of even 10-20% would be the most normal next step?

Even by trying to avoid hearing things, I am still hearing like Dave Ramsay etc continually state the market is ‘down from its highs’ the ‘market is on sale’. It’s like, is it actually on sale yet? Or is this simply the obvious 20% shaving off-of the extreme overvaluation of 2020/21?

The market began declining BEFORE huge inflation really kicked in and the real issues are only just beginning to be felt in the majority of peoples pockets.

So I am still on the same thought, this is not a crash, it is a 20% decline from an overinflated S&P 500 which rallied 108% in 1 year.

A crash would be another 30% down from todays value. Which could show its self in 2024 or 2027 or not for another decade.

Which is why I am still 99% cash. Because I actually have no idea where to enter into growth, apart from two diversified index funds… I still see no imminent rush to enter.

Though that could change come September/Oct. A decline then or a positive upward trend could be my entry.

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