What is going on today? - Megathread

Also 12ft.io works well for paywalls.


It appears like the FTSE appears to be rising. I’m about £50 less in the red on both ISAs I hold.

Ok it’s not a huge rally, but it’s minorly noticeable.

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:see_no_evil: it won’t last. We are in a hold of the bears :bear:
A small rally means bigger falls to follow :speak_no_evil:
More dips to buy :relieved:


Got my shopping list to top up some of my guys today as long as they stay under 30-40% down.

That’s my way of making my own silver lining :rofl:

Epd, ntr, Glen, xom are on my shopping list.

Oil ain’t going down, even with 10% fed rates.

Bought £IH2O £FTAD and $DEA in my ISA today. Got plenty of of cash to buy the bear market.

Been buying £ISF almost every day early last week.

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Canoeting: to comute using a canoe


Damn I was wanting to buy oil but now Jim Cramer has called investors to buy so I’ve become conflicted.

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Except he does it daily. His job is an outdoor pursuits company based in Wales. Stating has saved ‘thousands’ - this isn’t a one off because of the strikes.
It’s scum news & the guy going for easy advertising.

Whats he gunna do when the river freezes?

It’s a light-hearted story! Breathe @Bagshaw breathe and know everything will be all right in the end.

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Ice skate

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That reminds me of this story…

It’s actually crossed my mind, That canal isn’t that far from my house and goes very close to work, but I suspect it would still take longer than walking including faffing about with the kayak

I mean, where would you stash your packed lunch? :laughing:

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:smirk: time to short the S&P500
:heart_eyes: just short everything
Down we go. Profits to be made

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Careful…some might take that as financial advice! :eyes:


You ain’t seen nothin yet

3% up today!

Come Monday though, I have to agree with my learned colleagues above :see_no_evil::smile::sunglasses:
