Women and Investing

Welcome and it’s good to see that you have joined us. It would be interesting to hear your views on the topic?

My personal view is that the community are the ones who have the real power to make a difference. Yes, Freetrade and companies can have an affect but the biggest power lays within the community. I think it’s a great thing that such a discussion has been started and I do honestly feel like that Freetrade has the chance to create something positive. Why? I have yet to see a trading and investing website who has an active forum community, and an app which is looking to bring new investors in. I don’t think we should underestimate the effect we can have as community members.


Well I’m another one who has come over from the Monzo forum so yes, community is important but it’s only 1 piece of the jigsaw.
Banking is easy. We all have a bank and have a basic idea of what we use them for and how it could improve to make things easier. Investing isn’t. I don’t know anyone who has shares or who talks about them so I’m starting from a position of knowing nothing and it’s more than a little intimidating. I’d say that’s true for more women than men purely because of traditional gender roles and expectations.
The blogs are a fantastic place to start, I’ve learned a lot from them.
The more complete beginners who are on the community and ask really basic questions and are not patronised in reply, the more beginners you will get. Constantly aggressive or confrontational posts are intimidating to people who lack confidence in investing (which is disproportionately women).

Basically don’t set out to persuade and attract women, set out to attract people with no knowledge or experience.


They do love their acronyms on the forum :anguished: I’ve figured out a few already

The app looks very user friendly from the previews I’ve seen, looking forward to having a play to fully understand it. Planning to start with a basic index tracker and maybe some commodities just to get a good beginners grounding, and then take it from there. I fully intend to ask a million questions here though :grin:




As someone who isn’t a woman, making things more inclusive for everyone - particularly avoiding machismo or alpha male syndrome - works wonders. If we fix that, we attract women but also address toxic masculinity and some of the reasons for, for example, a high suicide rate among men.

Basically, bravo (brava?) @Rat_au_van. What you said!


Mission kind of accomplished - my lady boss is now on the waiting list!


There’s still a long way to go but it’s great to see progress being made here :muscle:


There was a good story in The Guardian yesterday about why women typically make better investors than men.

It was a nice reminder for me about some of the not so helpful behaviour which I need to avoid when investing & highlights some good habits to keep up :woman_teacher: