I’ve just took a hundred quid punt after reading a bit about it. I didn’t have any before so I’m not eligible for the rights issue, but £105 got me over 600 shares. Will see how it goes. Not the end of the world if I lose £100
“Beyond that, while Sirius would still be some years from becoming cash generative, an investment in the company should become progressively de-risked and enjoy significant value uplift as it advances towards production, we believe.”
Any investment in Sirius is surely a very long term commitment.
I’m thinking of cashing out when I take my pension… I’m 28 so long long term for me!
I’ve asked @Freetrade_Team1 about the SXX share option, he’s looking into it in relation to FT share holders.
We’ll reach out to eligible shareholders about this event and the options available within the next day or so. As mentioned above, the headline figures are 1 new share for every 22 existing shares (as at open of business on 1 May) at a cost of 15p.
Any update on this? Thanks
Have been holding this since 2017 and will continue to do so
Any clues when we gonna be able to buy those shares for 15p?
Seems that it is trading at .15 on some brokers currently…
Yea, not sure what to do, think I’ll wait until nearer the 15th to decide see what the SP does. Whatever, SXX is risky and long term.
I received an email a couple of hours ago about it. There’s a form to fill in if you want to accept or not
Will everyone with shares get the form?
Everyone who held shares on May 1st. I bought mine on the day before
I have had mine for months so should be ok then. No email as yet.
You have until the 15th so probably best waiting until Friday and if you still haven’t heard ask in app
I don’t know how many shares you own but this might be worth noting
You will be able to buy 1 new ordinary share for every 22 shares that you held on 1 May
Given the share price is currently 15.15p, is there much point waiting?
I’ve just this moment received the email so might be a good time for those who are waiting to check
Take care
Had mine and accepted. 2 shares.
Had mine as well, but I think we have to wait till 15th of May to get those shares?