2nd February 2021: $GME, $AMC, $NOK buys now enabled

This is not entirely true. I still have a stock and shares isa account at AJ Bell which I have not contributed this year.

The were providing me with quotes and the ability to buy these stocks yesterday. I have not heard anything to the contrary today so I assume this is not a problem still.

So FreeTrade does need to perhaps review its partners going forward.

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Itā€™s amazing how many people wanting to jump on meme stocks with what I assume is a fair amount of money seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills. The FT team shouldnā€™t lose heart at these morons claiming manipulation and promising to leave, this isnā€™t the platform for them and the sooner they leave the better.


It might be in your best interests to move broker, as Iā€™ve only ever seen you on here complaining about the services offered - and this was well before the whole GME, AMC drama. Best of luck to you in your future endeavours.


I donā€™t think there is a right platform for them, they complain wherever they are. I donā€™t think itā€™s a big loss if we lose the type of users who dive into a stock based on nothing but hype and then rage quit when things donā€™t go their way.

Disclosure: I put 0.06% of my portfolio into GME :laughing:


Strange that $NOK is included in this party. Price action has been pretty tame last few days.

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Thatā€™s a shame. It was good having you around!


Exactly. Sorry, there should have been no compensation implied in my message

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I think itā€™s down to it still being a meme stock and still getting some hype on WSB, although Iā€™m unsure why NOK is included and BB isnā€™t

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Maybe itā€™s an indication that more stock exchanges need to be supported. In current example we could still buy NOK as it is also traded in Finland stock exchage :thinking: if Iā€™m not mistaken.


I already mentioned to you itā€™s DTC capital requirements and you donā€™t seem to have comprehended that at all. You should re read the original post.


I wouldnā€™t mind so much if they didnā€™t flood this forum with nonsense but trying to have a rational discussion goes out the window because itā€™s all WSB v The Man. It will all end in tearsā€¦

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Regardless of peoples ability to comprehend what they read, the frustration lies in people should be able to use there money how they see fit. In my opinion the only thing FT are ā€˜guiltyā€™ of is only having one FX provider which has never been an issue for anyone until now. The fact FT only do cash trades should negate the problem and only platforms that offer margins should be stopped. This is a much bigger problem behind the scenes but unfortunately FT are the point of contact for a lot of people.


You will be greatly missed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Iā€™m glad this decision wasnā€™t taken by Freetrade though as someone else has said, it would probably be a sound decision to find a new US partner. This is a closing of the Wall Street wagons around hedgefunds because suddenly, when it doesnā€™t benefit them, they no longer like the idea of a free market.

FT is clearly not in the fault. The clearing houses should not be allowed to jack up their tariffs 250%. Imagine if you go to the supermarket and suddenly you have to pay 250% more. Nobody would accept that. Hopefully this episode will take care of this on a legislative level. Also t+2 is outdates, time for instant settlement.

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T212 had to shut down buys on silver and all CFDs too, I think this reddit madness will carry on until the system changes, hopefully for the better but who knows.

Unsyre how Nokia was ever a supposed short squueze target anyway. Its only sorted on 1.1% of the float. That in itself shows it wouldnā€™t react the same to a short squeeze as those other targets. It only rose up by so much because everyone was buying in together.

Isnā€™t Nokia considered undervalued because of there new contracts for 5G hardware and NASA comms.


Itā€™s not tariffs though, itā€™s capital requirements. They arenā€™t charging more, they are basically saying you canā€™t borrow money without us being sure you can pay it back, so you need to prove you can.

I think a closer analogy would be if a mortgage lender said we arenā€™t accepting 10% deposits anymore you need a 20% deposit


The problem is that we would probably have to accept such a price hike if all supermarkets and grocers hiked their prices at the same time so we were left with no alternative.