[Beta] Penny 💰 Feedback & Discussion

Update: the bot told me on Sunday it would take 3-5 days to find my pensions, then messaged me on Tuesday saying it was making great progress.

It now seems to be unresponsive, and has not yet found any of my pensions.

@tomcoburn87 any ideas?

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I got sent “.” at 4:25am on Tuesday

Hi guys, thanks for all your feedback and for testing the product :slightly_smiling_face:

A couple of people have asked how Penny works. In short, we ask for some basic info (name, DOB, NI and a previous employer), and then contact various pension schemes to ask if you have a pension with them, and then we get back to you in-app to give you the info.

Currently it’s mostly a manual backend (so that’s why we’re only in beta), and we’re hoping to automate it in coming weeks/months and then release at scale.

Hope that answers all your questions and once again appreciate your time testing Penny out. As an early-stage startup your comments (even criticisms - ESPECIALLY criticisms) are what we need. Cheers.

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Hey @tomcoburn87 - I think the bot has gone quiet on me, can I get a progress update at all?

Hi @jspen - if the bot has gone quiet that means it’s still searching for your pensions :mag_right:

Usually the search takes “up to 7 days” (as we said during signup) but pension companies are taking longer to reply to the bot because of the covid situation… :alarm_clock:

We rely on the pension companies to tell us where your pensions are and how much you have. As soon as the bot hears back from them, it will message you. I just can’t guarantee how long this will take due to the covid delays interrupting pension co’s :bank:

Cheers for being a beta user :v:

@tomcoburn87 thanks mate - it’s been about 10 days, but the bot keeps saying ‘up to 7 days’. Maybe a message to say it’s taking a little longer at the moment would help?

Happy to be a beta user and help refine things for you and the team :+1:

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That’s a good suggestion. We’ll send an update today to our other users. The joys of being a startup relying on legacy financial institutions’ timetables :sweat_smile: Thx for the feedback.

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@tomcoburn87 no option to delete data? Its sat there for 2 weeks, I’ve run out of patience and wish to stop it and have my data deleted - there is no way to request this through?

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Hi @Jim1 One of our support team just messaged you :+1:Thanks for your patience with our beta

Thank you - good luck with your product, I just dont want to be on facebook to use messenger for long!

I can’t use it sadly as I have never had social media and don’t intent to start now. But I do like the idea and look from what I have seen from friends using it.

I’m sitting on 11 days now…

I’m on 32, so you may be sitting there for a while…