Hi Team,
The main question is as per title, but before I begin i just wanted to bring to the table a few bits of information :
- The GBP and USD price over the short to medium term:
- this last year the GBP has been blown out by the USD fuelled by the Ukrainian war , as we are aware the USD is a world currency reserve. Below GBP to USD price:
2.Now if i make a small comparison between VUSA - uk domicile and VOO - USA domicile. How does the GBP strength/weakness play with the price . I am not sure i understand and wanted your opinion/input please ?
3.For comparison purposes we have a similar situation for Eqqq and QQQ
4.What is your opinion on this Nasdaq tracker that is using hedging this time around:
- I feel i am not really grasping the situation with this rally. I mean don’t get me wrong great we have a rally. Can someone bring more light to it? I mean the price is similar to wat it was at the start of the year.
With me reapeting myself i also bring you the S&P 500 index which is far behind its peak. Why is this in contrast to Vusa…