Hi all,
Here an humble attempt to make a fees comparison between Etoro and FT. I used Etoro in the past and currently using FT
I used Etoro for comparison because it is a close competitor of FT (offering sort of similar products: fractional shares, zero commissions, etc…).
Etoro is a USD based app. So Etoro costs are in USD and the final costs are then converted to GBP.
For comparison I made the following simulation: " An UK investor invests 1000 GBP in APPLE stock ". To simulate an end-to-end process, I considered that the investor transfer the sum to the app(s), make the purchase, close the position with a 20% profit and withdrawals the sum.
Current fees to take into account are:
deposit fee
withdraw fee
Conversion fee from GBP to USD (when buying)
Conversion fee from USD to GBP ( when selling)
Spread fee (bid/ask):
- On Etoro the bid/ask spread for Apple is approximatly 0.19%
- 0.07% spread on the buy price
- 0.12% spread on the sell price
- On Etoro the bid/ask spread for Apple is approximatly 0.19%
FT used a 0.45% conversion fee while Etoro charges 50 pip.
Conclusion: overall FT seems to charge lower fees for the General Investment account (GIA). However, the costs are higher if the Plus membership is included. What are your thoughts on this?
Any feedback is appreciated. My simulation may contains some small mistakes but it should give a clear direction.