Freetrade's $15m Series A funding - Q&A

You may be correct :wink:
But I will for sure be waiving with enthusiasm and genuine good wishes when Freetrade investors fly over my house in their private (solar powered) jets :blush:


Sorry, but I think this is patently untrue :grimacing: Whilst VC bring their own advantages to the table, the value-add of this community/investors beyond pure capital -through feedback, referrals, etc - has been enormous, and no VC does what an engaged community can do. We have all played a part in building Freetrade. :ok_hand:

P.S. Congratulations Freetrade Team! Was very happy to see this news. You are killing it rn :slight_smile:


So Draper invested $7.5m out of the total $15m. Where do all the other $7.5m come from? Crowdcube only?

Iā€™m pretty sure Crunchbase got the math wrong :sweat_smile:

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If it was both Round 4 and Round 5, then it adds up. But then what share price did they get?

Happy that Draper invested, he is also invested in Robinhood, have to wait and see how the things will unfold ,once the Robinhood enters the UK market.

Does Draper Esprit get a board seat and will they be asking Adam to start trading cryptos? :wink:

Do you reckon that the team over at Draper Esprit got some FT socks as an investor perk? :wink:


They did. :socks:


I never did get my merch from R3 :frowning:


:wave: Holla!

We have several Marketing and Growth positions on our Careers page!
Definitely take a look and see if any would suit you. If there arenā€™t any ā€œperfectā€ matches, it might still be worth getting in touch because there might be something suited for you regardless!

This would be super cool, especially with the suggestion to start our own podcast.

Absolutely agree here - the community aspect of crowdfunding, from both customer acquisition and also giving investors ā€œskin in the gameā€ are huge aspects.

Definitely drop a message to customer support through the app - weā€™ve sent out thousands of investor rewards packages, thereā€™s always a small chance it got lost in the mail or it got sent to an old Crowdcube address.


Waiting for the foreign drop of the socks for R4. Itā€™s getting cold before Christmas I need them :joy:

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Great news! Hopefully you will speed up with Europe expansion and I think the time is crucial here. The competition is growing.


Congrats. :boom:

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Great news. Congratulations Freetrade team :partying_face:


Congrats and good job, timing is just about right.


Great news, people donā€™t seem to realise how rare it is to get VC funding without some sort of a preferential price, especially as an early stages start-up. I can now assume that Freetrade are going to accelerate with their new features down the line, very interesting to see what is coming in the near future.


Solid effort, development coming nicely. Great team.

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Unless they have preference shares :face_with_monocle: but that wouldnā€™t bother me anyway as Iā€™m confident the business will go from strength to strength :muscle:t2:

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:freetrade: will be here in no time. Iā€™m not even an investor and love to see your guys growth!