Genuine Impact on Crowdcube

So my trial has just ran out with Genuine Impact and I’ve been trying to use it and figure out what I like and see if it is worth paying for and using long term.

The simple answer for me is no. I find the information difficult to understand and swapping out actual fundamentals for a subjective score out of 100…well not very useful?

Am I using it wrong? Has anyone decided to use it long term?

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I’ve since been sent this:

Which better helps me understand how it works :+1:

I’m still not entirely sure I prefer how the information is presented when compared to how SimplyWallSt does it.

As I previously mentioned, my trial is over now, so I’m working from memory.

All the best.


I find it a very easy way to filter out of 10,000’s of stocks and funds those top five that I want to look more deeply into, and then go online and research those companies more. For me it’s not about decision making, it’s about filtering which then aids my decision making.

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I seem to remember pretty much everything I searched for wasn’t available.

Originally invested in their round and withdrew my investment. It was small but decided to go heavy in on Freetrade


Free face mask and bottle of hand sanitiser if you visit. :joy:

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Community spread means people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected.

See -

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Signed up!


Fire sale prices. Can anybody show differences between “free” and “paid”? Can’t find any detailed info on the added value of premium other than the below:


I have invested in their crowdfunding round and I have to admit I am a bit nervous about them… cannot see a reason why I would choose them over simply wall st at the moment.

Appreciate they are much younger company so may change in the future


I got one day left on their free trial. Thinking about grabbing it.

I use both at the moment for about 2-3 weeks and tried out various features they have. They have some nice stuff about funds (not thorough though) whereas simply wall st doesn’t do funds (which I don’t know why).

I’d rather say their approaches to investing analysis are a bit different. Genuine Impact tells you a company based on rankings and you can choose the universe. Simply wall st does a better job in interpreting the underlying data. I kind of think Genuine Impact takes what Simply wall st does one step further and sort of quantify the good vs. the bad through their rankings.

I like both and use both. I think a £10 a year spend on Genuine Impact plus the free usage on simply wall st every month will get me quite a lot of what I need.

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Nice, I’m considering trialing that £10 for the year option too.

Can you, for 1 example, show a screenshot of what you see on “premium” that isn’t offered on free? I’m not exactly sure what I’d be paying for atm.

Bought into the £10 option - not going to think about it too much for an annual fee. I think that unless we cancel we continue to get this price on an ongoing basis.

Looking forward to see their new app, I would like to see more insights based on watchlist & portfolio and potentially recommendations on other stocks to consider (which something that their old app had surprisingly)

Btw, for some weird reason I cannot find BP, has anyone found it in their app?

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Might have something to with minimum search characters.

Try BP.l

I left a similar comment on their forum:

“ What I would like to see, some I know you’re working on anyways:

  • portfolio
  • news added to Stocks in your portfolio or watchlist, see Atom+, it’s really good.
  • more fundamental data, trend graphs, etc - again see Atom.”

I just signed up. £10 a year isn’t bad at all for some of the insights you can get.

Impressed to see the guide feature running you through how they define their metrics and hoping the team will continue developing the app so it becomes increasingly useful to me.


Just checked what is app is about, wanted to buy 1y at discount price still considering.
I do not like the ui, and it is slow for me. I don’t understand why they have to use/waste screen space with icons etc.

Not sure if UI is a high priority, if you’re looking for solid data to invest your hard earned cash in. But hey ho, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

What icons do you refer too? The company logos with the three circles around them? The circles are actually the value/momentum/quality scores.

May want to use “the guide” in the app to understand how it works, it uses factor analysis and relative positioning so it’s rather than different than most fundamental apps.

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Thanks, I’ll go through the guide. At 10, I’m going to but 1 year.
Hope there will be web version though.
The round icons have the same info next to it, I like more traditional sortable tables :slight_smile: