Customers can join the wait list here as JP Morgan Chase move into the UK market
Got mine up and running already. Lots of potential!
Has anyone received their dividend this quarter? I know it usually takes a few days to hit our account but it hasn’t taken this long before. Almost a week now
A bit late this quarter yeah but mine has just come through. Hopefully now yours has also?
Almost exactly as you replied! Thanks for letting me know thoigh
Their new debit card is ‘numberless’.
They launched without direct debits? What an odd decision.
They’ve just opened a 1.5% easy access savings account, pretty good compared to other savings accounts available at the moment
The roundup feature is extremely good. I used to play the bank account game pre-Covid (switching second/third/fourth accounts around for the money and to maximize the benefits). Gave it up as I’ve had the money from pretty much everyone, but might be tempted to switch one for that.
The round up quickly adds up if you use the account for day to day spending. I have £100 earning 5% aer just from round ups and I’ve not had the account too long. With the 1.5% easy access savings it’s a cherry on top. Thinking of moving my monthly regular savings to that new account as it trumps the interest rate by a whole 1%
Its really great! 1% cashback on purchases for a year, 1.5% easy access savings and 5% on round ups… Quite literally smashing the competition!
Whether it will last and is just a promotional offer to onboard new customers is a different matter, but until that changes they have my business for sure!
I’m perfectly happy to take the 5% round-up and walk the second I no longer benefit from it. The other perks I can take or leave.
Nice new referral they’ve got going, but wouldn’t spam it on here
They’ve already hidden it @Pdw