JPMorgan Chase 🏦 🕴 - JPM


Must have been a good one anyway. My mate just booked a huge golf trip for the CEO Jamie dimon across Ireland and Scotland. That was today :rofl:

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Not sure why they would want to.


JPMorgan’s Chase brand will absolutely crush in the UK. Goodbye Lloyd’s, Goodbye Nationwide, Goodbye Metro… The taste of dust is for real.

Would JPMorgan bring their Chase credit cards also? The brand is so strong. Could they poach the already growing Goldman Sachs users? Possibly. Concerned could be the feeling throughout the uk banking sector.


Ye their credit cards are amazing. If they don’t change them up for UK market they’ll do very well

Don’t know how popular their cards would be in Europe after financing the new super league :joy:

Absolutely awful

Certainly brave of all involved as the backlash and boycotting could be very big :man_facepalming: I am not sure of the actual impact but in this day and age protesting is pretty big and it seems with your money is going to be the way in future.


The digital-only bank will at first only offer current accounts with a rewards programme, however, it will eventually delve into personal lending and investment, and mortgages

Launched today JP Morgan Chase launches new digital bank brand in the UK | The Independent


I want it. Edit: rip. Monzo


Opened my account today… The app is very impressive :eyes: Just starting up here and good features already

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Got my debit card today… Looks sexy, Matt blue, no ugly card number, cashback on all purchases. Excited to see what they offer once more established


I got an account and currently it doesn’t hold a candle to something like Revolut imo. There’s no features on it. It doesn’t even support google pay which is my main way to pay for things day to day, therefore that 1% cashback feature is not much use for me. And that feature is basically the only one it has.

It is severely lacking when you compare it to something like Revolut with crypto, stocks, discount offers, disposable cards, able to exclude transactions from analytics, and so much more. It also does not have open banking top ups like Revolut, you have to manually bank transfer yourself the money, on Revolut you just click the add money button to get it from your linked bank account. The Chase app does nothing more than my Natwest app even less in fact because at least my Natwest card supports Google pay.

They need to add way more features before I consider switching, I was really looking forward to this too.


Agree, but it is still only open to a register for the wait list, and very early days, I expect they have much much more to come once its been through the ringer with live real customer accounts and not just test/staff accounts.

Email recieved today…

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TIL - You have a hidden physical card number, and a different virtual card number for online shopping for security. You can freeze your card to stop card payments if you lose it etc. but continue to use your virtual card online until you wait for a replacement physical card.

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