This exchange-traded fund (ETF) invests in companies from developed and emerging markets worldwide and seeks to generate a higher return than the MSCI World index.
Anyone own this?
Curious about withholding tax. I’m thinking its 0% but would be good to get a confirm.
Yes I hold this and can confirm there is no deduction for WHT
looking for an alternative high yield bond like play as rates go lower. SONIAs days are numbered
It’s not a massive position I own in this but are looking to add. From my understanding it should do well in choppy markets and personally I think that is something we could see in the near term.
I found an article out a while back that was critical on the ROI of the funds covered call strategy however, they was analysing it over recent times where markets have been bullish and the strategy apparently doesn’t perform aswell.
Yes the options premiums will be higher during periods of increased volatility…which should translate to higher payouts. I note the average yield over the past 8 months is around 6%.
will move out of XSTR before the next rate decision I think.
Thanks for the info! Does anyone know how the JEGP ETF’s performance compares to other global equity ETFs, especially in terms of dividend yield and volatility?