[Request] TS Innovation Acquisitions (TSIA)

Latch is going public soon via merger with the SPAC TS Innovation Acquisitions Corp. (TSIA). Will trade under the ticker symbol LTCH. Really interesting, SaaS company in a space that hasn’t been disrupted - software for our ‘spaces’ - i.e. buildings (particularly rentals). Good revenues forecast (pretty confidently based on contracts signed) and still plenty of TAM space to grow.

yep this one is looking good. please add.

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Latch (Nasdaq: TSIA /Ltch) SPAC MERGER meeting date is thursday 3 June 2021.

Come on Freetrade! List the company stock in the app.


Latch announces expansion into commercial Office spaces. And two New products namely — Latch Visitor Express, and LatchID.

LatchOS Potential commercial spaces expansion worldwide:

  • Sports stadiums access
  • High schools access
  • Colleges access
  • Universities access
  • Libraries access
  • Museums access
  • Gyms access

LatchID and Latch Visitors Express potential adoption worldwide:

  • Multi family buildings
  • Office buildings
  • High schools
  • Colleges
  • Universities
  • Libraries
  • Museums
  • Commercial Gyms
  • Sports stadiums

LatchID Single Digital Credential can be expanded into Airport access, events access and ticketing system.

+1 for Latch, this is a great business with decent potential. It’s a bit concerning that the universe is expanded manually on what seems to be an ad-hoc basis and we are missing out on opportunities in the process.