Can we have this one please?
On our radar, we’re checking it out along with some others now.
Thanks Sam.
This is another one that I feel will become hyped and might double short term.
Why is Freetrade so slow with these SPACs vs 212? It’s getting so frustrating now
Making SPACs PLUS only and getting it on the platform in a timely fashion would be a decent PLUS proposition by the way. So people are not pushed into competitors arms simply because they can’t buy what they want to buy.
this could tilt the balance for a decent amount of customers
Is it the main reason I do not use Freetrade as my main platform, by the time they are added then most of the value has gone.
Tilt the balance how?
Tilt it in a way that customers considering to sign up to plus will probably sign up
any reason as to why requests take so long ? would love for this to be added like yesterday
212 just ask IB to add it, freetrade have to run around and do all the background stuff, then pick a logo and a witty description. These things take time.
Its @ $20 already. Nice.
Pls add! $RMO big promise
Tells us a little bit about them
They design and manufacture lithium-ion battery modules for commercial vehicles. Founded in 2016 headquartered in CA.
There seems to be a lot of controversy surrounding Romeo Power at the moment. Shares are currently below $10.
Original 2021 revenue forecast at merger time was $140m.
Fast forward to March this year and the number was $18-40m.
Reality check.
Wow big drop