Vanguard ETFs and fees comparison

Hi @anon287192,

You have a few questions here, so I have broken them down which will hopefully allow me to answer them best.

  1. Are there any FX fees for VUSA? As VUSA is traded on the LSE in GBP there are no FX charges for trading. The only FX to bear in mind is in relation to dividends as the income for this ETF is paid in USD, Freetrade donโ€™t charge any FX fee for this but Crest will convert it to GBP.

  2. What are the fees? The ETF charge a 0.07% ongoing fee which is inbuilt in the price. Freetrade wonโ€™t charge any additional fees aside from the ISA fee that you have already mentioned.

  3. Are dividend reinvestments available? This ETF pays income, so if you wanted to reinvest the money into it then this would need to be done manually as at present we do not have a dividend reinvestment option.