Yeh you’re right at these prices the dividend yield is still quite attractive.
Another 9.5m buyback today. With 1.8bn in treasury 25.449bn shares outstanding I suspect we will see another cancellation in the next few weeks.
I wonder what they are aiming for as a target for shares in issue? With another 2bn for buy backs we should be getting to 22bn ish by the time they have finished
Not long to go till dividend payment day. I wonder how much they have “saved” in dividend payments by doing buybacks?
Oh dear big drop today guys. I read the ONS and it didn’t seem too bad to me stable revenue and additional buybacks. Oh well chance to buy more on the cheap I suppose
Bought some this morning with bat dividend at 66p thinking the sp wouldn’t go any lower, now 65p
I haven’t bought any vf for a long time maybe it’s time to top up, at least to get my average under 80p
Happy dividend payment day everyone.
Vodafone are going gangsters on the buy backs right now, nearly 75m shares bought back in the last 3 days.
Money received just waiting on the notification