What if Crowdcube went into administration?

That little raise was Β£6.7M, the largest ever on CC I believe.

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When I got my share certificate, I was worried about the legal value of the document CC sent so I contacted CrowdCube support.

@HannahCrowdcube responded very promptly by explaining that the names of investors will be listed in the share register at Companies House (after Freetrade fills its SH01 form)

As of today, there is a new document uploaded to Companies House

However, it is not available for viewing or downloading. Is there any way the investors could access it?

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Hi, no names will be shown on the SH01. Names of shareholders are shown on the Confirmation Statement which is filed annually in October.

As for any other Companies House documents and their filing, there is a severe time lag between filing, showing on the website as filed and actually downloading it. It will all come through in time.