Thoughts on this would be epic
If you like it, I’ll build it.
A current account that automatically invests 100% of your balance in a low risk fund (~5%pa) and automatically & instantly disinvests whenever you spend via your account’s debit card .
So basically, your cash is always invested/growing
I have cash sitting in my current account that should be getting invested, and growing . It’s 2021 ffs.
Before you say, ‘use Freetrade!’… I love and use Freetrade, but I cba to workout how much cash to move every month and then pick stocks/funds, and then disinvest when I need cash back. Urgh . Freetrade is for more considered investing - I also want something for my cash.
Shred it. Or love it.
Give me your thoughts
P.s. tech stack worked out. All viable. Line of credit similar to an overdraft facility can handle delay between debit/spend and fund disinvestment so that payments can be instant.
You legend.
This is good stuff.
Thoughts on Single Customer View file especially interesting. Hadn’t considered that.
Believe we’d be able to handle the capital requirements for a while via partner trading platforms but this is one of many areas that needs exploration.