Please add ADYEY which is USA ticker as the ADYYF is in Euros and I can’t buy te stock in the ISA account. Thanks

You should be able to buy ADYENa in ISA. The ADR is non-sponsored (apprroved) by Adyen.

Hi Sam
Thanks for your reply. The app doesn’t allow me to buy any shares ADYENa. When I enter the amount, the review order button stays greyed out. Is it because it’s in Euros? However, I’m able to but USA stocks as Freetrade converts pounds to dollars. Thanks

It should work more or less the same as for US stocks. The major difference is you can’t buy fractional EU stocks and the unit price for Adyen can be prohibitive. I’d suggest FT is unlikely to add the ADRs to avoid confusion and it only offers asmall range of OTC stocks due to lower liquidity etc.

Hit up support if it’s not working for you – they’re a helpful bunch.

Ok, that’ll be it, no fractional shares. Too late now, gone up from around 600 euros to over 900 today. Oh well, thanks for responding, please close. Regards.