AMC Entertainment - AMC - Share Chat

Have FT sorted the issue with the banks and FX clearing issues that were seen in Jan. They were cut a lot of slack for their transparency with gme. The AMC stock has the potential to be a bigger squeeze. Has FT learnt and implemented change and or a back up to possible clearing issues that halted US trading.


Up we go


Keep holding :joy:

Great fun this stock


Wow people need to chill out ha ha. K so anyone worried about the £25k limit relax. It is annoying but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter. You can sell fractional shares. So if you need to you can sell 0.1 of a share.

You will have lots of time. If in the eventuality it squeezes to ridiculous levels it isn’t going to happen in a day it will take time. So if you need to be at your app selling multiple times then so be it. It is a small price to pay for a commission free app. If you want speedier transactions then go elsewhere. Why are you here?

It isn’t going to shoot up like a rocket. It is probably going to bounce up and down shaking people off as they sell to get what they need. No one knows how high it is gonna go. Everything might look good on paper with numbers but on the day humans will be human and there will be less diamond hands than you think.

This is not a normal play. Everyone acting like they know what will happen or driving themselves crazy. We aren’t even passed $20 yet.


FT are actually working on making the 25k sell limit larger as we speak.


I hope so. It is annoying. Even long term investors can find themselves with volatile stock.

When they replied to me I got the impression they weren’t in any rush. That was last week.

Another great day :joy:

Hold on tight


Finished on $16.41!!! +20% today

Freetrade take of that 25k sell wall please.

I’m beginning to think I may make some serious money out of this :open_mouth:


Gonna be some counteracting psychological attacks on it tomorrow I’d wager. Bound to go down at some point once some fomos jump on board and try and shake people up and off. I’m pumped though

going to be an interesting day

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32k is my sell point

I must confess I jumped out today at $16. Good luck to all those that are holding!


I wish I purchased more of this stock :sob:
I would have sold but even at 16 it’s not worth the sell.

I’ve set my sell @ 25$

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$100 is too small. No way will it get $500k like some dopes are saying…the system literally can’t trade with that figure. I personally believe that it should hit $10k no problem. On paper it should hit $100k but in reality it won’t. But we will see. Anyone who says they know for sure is lying. But $100 can get the f out of here lol


Am i the only one who feels this will go down tomorrow?

It depends - if I sell then no, it’ll go to the moon. If I don’t then yes, it will.

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Why can’t the system trade that figure? I’m not saying it will but there’s no limit to what the system can handle