Archaea Energy Inc - LFG - Share chat

This company operates in the renewable energy sector. It is developing renewable natural gas from high-carbon emission processes and industries by capturing recurring emissions from food waste, wastewater, agricultural waste and landfill gas. It combined with Rice Acquisition Corp in September 2021.

This company is making gas from waste, an unending thing, so why is it down so far?

Some great news today :money_mouth_face: up 52%

Bp bought it up, nice surprise…

So will the share price stay at $26 until the transaction has completed? I assume it will never exceed $26, so is it worth selling now? Archaea is set to become a BP subsidiary, so will the stock eventually disappear from my portfolio and be liquidated at whatever the price is on the day of the acquisition?

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The share price reflects how like the market thinks the deal goes ahead. If it starts far from the $26 offer this indicated waning faith.

When the deal completes, which could a quarter or two from now, you’re right the shares will disappear and you’ll be credited the cash.

Your decision is between $25.86 (roughly) today or $26 in a few months when the deal closes. I know what I’d take.

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Sold :smiley::rocket:

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