Automatic re-investment of dividends back into the same share:

This is a very basic question but I have just realised that one of my shares paid a dividend of several hundred pounds on 8th December and I was unaware of this. What I would like is for that dividend to be automatically re-invested back into the same shares as the dividend payer. Is that possible on Freetrade and if so what do I have to tick for it to happen?


it’s not possible. You have to manually re-invest at this time.

Thank you for your rapid and kind reply! As I suspected, but disappointing! I had just been reading how simple it is on Charles Schwab platform but, sadly, that is not available in the UK.







Most UK brokers have this option. I expect FT to add this feature eventually…


Thank you again – I do hope so!

Happy New year to you.







freetrade do email to let you know you have received a dividend.

Hi all Happy New Year.

I have to agree with @Dick

That this would be a good idea to put forward to the masses and gain feedback. I for one would be happy if this happened in my Portfolio and I know others prefer cash to reinvest in other stock it’s a personal choice but it gets my vote.
What is others opinion on this matter


This has been a HUGE want for sooo long. It doesnt seem like it is coming anytime soon unfortunately. Fractional UK shares would also be needed to work well which also seem far away.

It is a shame as the app is great and this, for me personally, ruin the experience. I want to set up a DD and set buys up, which is available now, and then not think about it.

This will help eradicate impulse transactions etc. Hopefully FT pull a rabbit out the bag and get it done soon!!!


Roger, I don’t recall receiving an email from Freetrade when the dividend was paid. Is this automatic or do I need to apply to FT to receive these email notifications?

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Let’s just let Freetrade offer this and pray to God it doesn’t take 5 years to provide this service,like everything else does :pray: @adam & @Viktor


You would have to ask freetrade as I don’t know if you receive them automatically or not. I always have if that was something I clicked yes to when I signed up I cannot remember.

Ok thank you Roger!

Hi yeah I get notifications direct to my Email account so I don’t see why you don’t, maybe an idea to drop a message to Freetrade and ask the question personally I think this an automatic process but of course I may be wrong.

Thank you RocketMan I will do that.

Check your spam/junk folder sometimes they end up In. There

I check it regularly Henners21. I suspect I haven’t requested the emails from FT.

I actually started a thread asking for this before the app even released. Still waiting nearly 6 years later. My original thread got merged into the autopilot thread and then closed despite the feature still not existing.

I like Freetrade, but you could never accuse them of being fast at releasing features


in addition you should get a notification on your phone when you received a dividend.
make sure notifications are turned on for the app.

The functionality has been built for T-Bills, ideally and what a lot of people want is for it to be rolled out to stocks.

At this point it would be nice if features that we request at least get acknowledged and for us to not be sitting around twiddling our thumbs wondering if they have even been seen or being activly worked on.


Pretty much every other platform offers this but sadly not FT. Numerous people have raised it as a feature request but it just doesn’t seem to be a priority. A shame really as the whole point of apps is to make life easier.