Celtic plc – CCP

The Celtic Football Club


Google Finance

Part owned by well-known investment manager Nick Train, occasionally discussed here.

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Please could we get Celtic FC added, the SEDOL is 0433918. Would be great for this to join Manchester United on Freetrade!


Also I just voted on this and it decreased the number of votes from 9 to 8. There were 9 votes before I voted - something is wrong here…

Given the wide Celtic fanbase, there will be plenty of new retail investors that want to own some shares in Celtic. An investment platform that covers Celtic will be a prerequisite for them. Freetrade not including this stock will be driving fans to other platforms.

Can we please get this stock added? If this isn’t added in the next 10 days, I will have to buy shares on HL instead.

Celtic was the first share I bought aged 18. That was the best part of 20 years ago now.

If I remember rightly, I made an immediate 100% loss due to the commission charged by my bank. :laughing:

Thankfully, I’m not quite as clueless about investing nowadays!

Haha yes fixed fees on most platforms are very tough on the small investor!

@freetrade can we please get this stock added?

Given the wide Celtic fanbase, there will be plenty of new retail investors that want to own some shares in Celtic. An investment platform that covers Celtic will be a prerequisite for them. Freetrade not including this stock will be driving fans to other platforms.

Hi @ewightman and others who’ve requested this one.

Unfortunately, this stock doesn’t meet our liquidity threshold, so we’re not currently able to add it.

If this changes, we’ll let you know.