Danone (BN.PA)

Activia, Evian, Volvic and Badoit water, and Alpro amongst other brands.

I think that most of those Alpro sales must come from this household.

Haha you aren’t a fan of Alpro products?

I’m a fan, it’s just a lot :slight_smile:

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Certainlynpricier than milk-based products. But I think it’s a great brand currently, really good reputation and very well positioned - either drive sales or be bought off them for a premium I think.

Danone have recently made a big push towards becoming a sustainability-first business:

Danone has legally changed the status of the company to an “enterprise à mission”, or a mission driven business. It now haha a legal duty to not just deliver profits, but to do so in a way that benefits it’s customers health and the planet.


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