FCA considering regulating cryptos, prohibiting sale of crypto derivatives

“The FCA has made clear that in its view cryptoassets have no intrinsic value and investors should therefore be prepared to lose all the value they have put in”


6 years later: “According to the FCA’s latest research on consumer attitudes and behaviours towards crypto, 12% of UK adults now own crypto.” It announced last week their plans to regulate crypto:

FCA Press release: FCA finds crypto ownership continues to rise as it delivers plans to regulate crypto | FCA

FCA Roadmap: https://www.fca.org.uk/publication/documents/crypto-roadmap.pdf

IMO freetrade may want to re-consider the crypto platform they built and never launched. Even as a middle-of-the-road product, the value creation opportunity could be significant. Though I respect their focus elsewhere for now + the stated intent to focus relentlessly…

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Such a missed opportunity for Freetrade.

As I’ve been saying for years, it’s very disappointing Freetrade missed the boat on crypto. They have the attitude of a stodgy incumbent when they’re meant to be a challenger.

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