“The FCA has made clear that in its view cryptoassets have no intrinsic value and investors should therefore be prepared to lose all the value they have put in”
6 years later: “According to the FCA’s latest research on consumer attitudes and behaviours towards crypto, 12% of UK adults now own crypto.” It announced last week their plans to regulate crypto:
FCA Press release: FCA finds crypto ownership continues to rise as it delivers plans to regulate crypto | FCA
FCA Roadmap: https://www.fca.org.uk/publication/documents/crypto-roadmap.pdf
IMO freetrade may want to re-consider the crypto platform they built and never launched. Even as a middle-of-the-road product, the value creation opportunity could be significant. Though I respect their focus elsewhere for now + the stated intent to focus relentlessly…
Such a missed opportunity for Freetrade.
As I’ve been saying for years, it’s very disappointing Freetrade missed the boat on crypto. They have the attitude of a stodgy incumbent when they’re meant to be a challenger.