[Feature Request 🔧] Cryptocurrency support

Hi Simon,

The FCA banned crypto derivatives (including ETPs) for UK retail in January.

If you weren’t already aware, CoinShares recently listed on the Stockholm exchange (Nasdaq OMX). CoinShares is the largest crypto asset manager in Europe (~$5bn) and the parent company of XBT Provider, which was very a popular crypto ETP issuer in the UK and HL, before the FCA killed regulated crypto investing…

Even though the CoinShares ETPs are not available to us Brits, I think the shares in the company itself could be the next Argo Blockchain. As similar to Argo, their revenue is very correlated to the crypto market. It is also very likely they will be bought by a larger ETF asset manager (BlackRock’s iShares or Amundi etc) in the future, when they decide to get involved in the crypto space. So that adds a nice ‘backdoor flush’ possibility to a stock which already has fantastic growth potential.

Now would be a great time to invest, before it is widely available to the market. Can you please help me get FT to add CoinShares to the platform by voting and commenting on the Stock Request I made - CoinShares International - CS

Also keen to hear your thoughts!